Monday, July 16, 2012

Offense Taken

Okay so I made this video for a friend of mine of me playing piano to one of his favorite anime songs. And he watched it and the first words he said were,"No offense." I knew immediately that it would be offensive. I mean why do people bother saying that to the other person. If your saying something like that obviously the other persons gonna take offense. Anyways the dude said I was playing too slow and I guess I was but I'm still kinda depressed by that XD. Guess I'm a bit too emotional and dramatic I suppose :p. Anyways it hurt so like ouch and stuff. Aha it's not even high school yet and already I'm just sitting here writing in it. Well uhm bai I guess :).

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Freak Out

Okay Diary this isn't quite Day 1 of high school but this is the summer where I'm freaking out about it. Here's the thing, near the end of jr. high I asked this guy out. And I don't know why or how I guess you could call it a brain fart (or idiotic teenage hormones). I don't plan on mentioning the guys name. I'll just call him, he-who's-name-must-not-be-spoken (yes I'm a big hp fan diary get over it >.< XD) anyways I asked him out online (big mistake I know, but a mistake I'll never make again) and I got turned down. Oh he turned me down nicely enough. It was afterwards there was the big problem. He started saying I scared him at school and avoiding me. I just went back and acted like ordinary me but he started acting different. I obviously ignored him or acted like it never existed treating him like a normal classmate (obviously I was hurt and incredibly humiliated) but he started telling all his friends I was scary or annoying and stuff. And when people in class insult me, the ordinary dweeb I try not to let it show, but obviously diary it hurts. Hurts like a bitch :P. ANYWAYS I'm freaking out about what if we get in the same class because that would be incredibly awkward seeing how I haven't even told my two best friends yet. And their like my VERY bestest friends. I'm not gonna say their names for privacy reasons so I'll just give them code names (actually I'm calling them by their nicknames but close enough XD). Pookie and Pandoo. Anyways I haven't told anyone about this humiliating incident and I had to let it out somewhere so I decided why not here? In my online diary. Anyways if he's in my class I don't know what I'm gonna do. I was hoping when I started high school no one would know me. I wouldn't be that annoying girl. I'm perfectly content with being some girl that never talks unless spoken too. Honestly I'm just hoping I get all new classmates and I never meet He-Who's-Name-Must-Not-Be-Spoken again. :P Kkz bai, peace, cya later diary.
Freaked Out, Dramatic Chica
P.S: I honestly don't know why I asked him out since I don't even wanna date or anything yet honestly I'm a bit too young ya know? I'm one of those hopeless romantics with their nose like always in a book when their not at school. Or always on the computer. :P ANYWAYS YEAH SO STILL FREAKING OUT 'CAUSE I'M THE IDIOT THAT ASKED HIM OUT >.>

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Why I'm Making This

I'm making this for one reason. To find out if high school, really is that overrated. I've seen movies about it and have read about it but it's now time for me to find out. This is gonna be about me, my life, and what it's like for a socially awkward dweeb to enter the cruel and harsh worlds of high school. :)